Gary Nelson Bishop of the North West
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
his love endures forever. [NIV: Psalm 1071]
In the first half of 2021 we experienced the goodness of God in many, many ways. Join us in giving God thanks for his enduring love towards us.
In the Midwest region of the diocese, we felt the effects of Cyclone Seroja. It’s rare to experience the full force of a cyclone this far down the coast, yet we did. Though many of our church buildings received damage, we are thankful that no loss of life occurred.
In Kalbarri, some 70% of properties suffered damaged. So, the community greatly valued the use of our church building as a temporary school, and then playtime facility for parents and young children. For Christine and I, we’re very thankful that our backyard tree missed the house, but many others were not so fortunate. Our farmers have sustained losses of infrastructure and machinery, while some have had significant damage to their homes.
We are encouraged and thankful for the support of people who have given to our cyclone appeal, especially through the Anglican Relief and Development Fund. Please pray for wisdom in the distribution of these funds across our region.
Friends, thanksgiving is a mark of genuine Christian faith. For throughout the Bible’s pages, we can’t miss the call to thank God. In Psalm 107 the restored Jewish exiles are urged to thank the God who has saved them. And the psalmist repeatedly gives this reminder [see vs.15,21,31 NIV]:
Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love,
and his wonderful deeds for mankind!
The missionary apostle Paul also echoes this same call. So, he encourages the newly established church in the Greek city of Thessalonica to [1 Thess 518 NIV]:
... give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
While he urges the Colossian Christians in a similar manner [Col 317 NIV]:
And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name
of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
The diocese of North West Australia seeks to make disciples of all nations as we centre our church life in the saving gospel of Jesus Christ. As you pray, share your resources and visit, please remember to give God thanks for his unfailing, steadfast love to us. Thank you for your support.
Bishop Gary