Raising up Aborignal leaders

Training leaders

Rev Chris Webb travels the Kimberley helping to train Aboriginal Christian leaders.

Broome People’s Church is helping equip Christian leaders in remote Aboriginal communities in the Kimberley.

Rev Chris Webb, a CMS worker based at Broome, was recently invited by a local elder to visit Yakanarrra, near Fitzroy Crossing, and run Bible teaching and leadership training.

The initiative is a partnership with the Kimberley Christian Fellowship which runs an annual weekend training workshop in each of four communities, including at Noonkanbah, Yiyili and Wangkatjungka.

Overall, the aim is for people to attend all four workshops as an integrated training program. However, distance and cultural commitments make this difficult so Chris delivers stand-alone foundational training to those who come along.

At Yakanarra, Chris and pastor Jamie Short from Kununurra People’s Church led a small group study of Titus 1, looking at the aim of ministry and qualities of a leader.

“We also want to support the local Christians to share the gospel with their community, so we had a BBQ evening and church service that were open to all,” Chris said.

Christians in each community are keen for others to hear the gospel and want to have a church set up. However, they face many challenges, including isolation and a population that moves around a lot.  

“In most of the places, opportunities for face-to-face Christian encouragement are few and far between and we are yet to see a strong church take root and grow.

“But, the men who are coming to the training weekends, have grown in maturity and understanding of what being a Christian is all about and under God we trust that spiritual growth is happening.

“Our prayer for them is that they will be able to begin small but regular gathering of Christians – that they would feel confident and take the initiative to start a Bible study, prayer meeting or a sing along.”