Do you ever get requests for Slim Dusty songs during your church services? As surprising as it was at first, this is now something our Broome team look forward to when they visit the local nursing home.
Earlier this year, the chaplain from Germanus Kent House invited the church to conduct a new service. She was keen for the nursing home residents to have the opportunity to hear the gospel and be encouraged in their faith. So now, a group of women from Broome Anglican Church and men from Broome People’s Church come together to share the hope and love of Jesus with some senior members of the Broome community.
Chris Webb gives a short Bible talk and the Aboriginal men help lead the singing and the prayers. The ladies get alongside the residents to chat and pray for each person. The country style hymns are definitely the main drawcard and often lead Margaret to call for Slim and other country hits. Wendy also gets excited when the team sings verses of familiar choruses in her own Walmajarri language. Dan, a retired Catholic priest, is greatly encouraged by the Bible exhortation and Mary is comforted by prayers for her health concerns. There are usually a few staff members who overhear the gospel as well.
Stacey, one of the team from Broome Anglican Church says, “I enjoy visiting because of the joy that the singing gives to the residents and the staff.” Having supported her own mum in a nursing home, Stacey knows firsthand the importance of this ministry.
Chris is excited by the way that members of the Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal congregations work together to show God’s love to the wider Broome community. He says, “These little services are a great way for the men to serve others with the gifts that God has given them.”
Please pray for residents to be comforted by God’s promises and put their trust in Jesus for eternal life