By Bishop Gary Nelson
As 2021 dawned we experienced a collective sigh of relief. 2020, the year the Covid-19 virus infected the world resulting in change, fear and sorrow. So, what’s in store for us in 2021? Certainly, many expectations like more normality through the vaccination program with fewer cases and deaths; more contact with family and friends; more citizens returning home from oversea.
Over 2000 years ago, expectations were in the air. Would God’s promises revealed in the Old Testament finally be fulfilled? Would the darkness of ‘exile’ be removed as the Messiah’s light shines into our world? Would the gospel of salvation be heralded throughout the land as God redeems his people? Hear the joyous relief as Simeon holds the infant Jesus in his arms:
“Lord, now you are letting your servant depart in peace, according to your word; for my eyes have seen your salvation that you have prepared in the presence of all peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to your people Israel.” [Luke 2:29-32, ESV]
Simeon could now rest contented since God’s salvation has come, the promised child has arrived [ see Isaiah 9:6-7]. His long-awaited expectations fulfilled.
As Jesus commences his Galilean ministry, he announces Israel’s longed for hopes are about to be satisfied:
“The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel “ [Mark 1:15]
In announcing the arrival of God’s kingdom, Jesus is effectively bringing it into existence. No more waiting, no more years of unmet expectations, for the new age has dawned.
Friends, we are all involved in bringing this good news to those with whom we share daily life. Covid-19 changed our lives, resetting our expectations. Yet, God’s not bound by this viral pandemic. It isn’t outside of his knowledge, control and purposes. We’re thankful to God that life in the North West has been relatively ‘normal’. This privilege has given us continued, and increased opportunities, to proclaim the gospel of Jesus across our vast region with its amazing array of men, women and children.
Thanks for your prayers and generous financial support. Please join with us, as we thank our Lord, for the people redeemed in 2020; for the Christians established and equipped in their faith; for the ‘exports’ we are sending you.
May God bless and keep you in 2021.